Terms of use
Responsible for Content:
bilderlounge media GmbH
Managing Director: Michele Vitucci
Banatstraße 13
D - 81377 Munich
Telephone: +49 (0) 89 46 13 36 90
Telefax: +49 (0) 89 46 13 36 925
E-mail: info@bilderlounge.com
VAT-ID No. DE249015568
registered at the Munich local court No. HRB 162824
bilderlounge provides a variety of information and services on its web sites, www.bilderlounge.com, www.bilderlounge.net and www.bilderlounge.de relating to the area of bilderlounge products (hereinafter "Services"). When you access these sites, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to abide by the terms of use ("Terms") described below:
1. Content and Availability of the Online Services
bilderlounge reserves the right to modify, extend or reduce the services on offer at any time and to decide on their technical availability.
2. Disclaimer of Warranties
bilderlounge disclaims all expressed or implied conditions, representations and warranties of any kind, including any implied warranty or condition of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non infringement. bilderlounge makes no representations, warranties, conditions or guarantees as to the quality, suitability, accuracy or completeness of any of the services contained on bilderlounge's web sites.
3. Limitation of Liability
With regard to services provided, bilderlounge is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data, electronically transmitted orders, or other economic advantage, arising (i) out of or related to the use of or the inability to use the services, or (ii) any other matter relating to the services, including content you may download, use, modify or distribute from bilderlounge's web sites. This limitation shall not limit liability for damages caused by intent or gross negligence, for death, personal injury or damage to health, or in respect of which the product liability act provides for mandatory liability.
4. References and Links
4.1 bilderlounge is responsible for "its own information" contained on the site www.bilderlounge.com, www.bilderlounge.net and www.bilderlounge.de, in accordance with the general law. Such information must be distinguished from cross-references ("Links") to information made available by other providers. By way of the cross references, bilderlounge makes "outside information" available for use. We shall only be responsible for the content of such outside information where we have positive knowledge of it (i.e. and of unlawful or criminal content) and it is technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent its use.
4.2 Although, when the links were first established, bilderlounge checked the outside information to ascertain whether it could give rise to possible civil or criminal liability, bilderlounge has no influence whatsoever on the current or future arrangement, content or authorship of the linked sites. We are not under any duty to make continual checks for changes in the content of sites, referred to in our own information, which could establish new liability. Only when we discover, or are informed by another party, that information contained in a site, to which we have provided a link, gives rise to civil or criminal liability, shall we remove the reference to the said site, provided it is technically possible and reasonable for us to do so.
5. Copyright and Identification
5.1 Everything on bilderlounge's website is copyrighted. The copyrights are owned by bilderlounge media GmbH, or the original creator of the material. Duplication or use of this material is not permitted without the express consent of the author.
5.2 In all publications, bilderlounge endeavours to comply with the copyrights attaching to the graphics, audio material, video sequences and texts; to make use of graphics, audio material, video sequences and texts which it has prepared itself or to have recourse to unlicensed graphics, audio material, video sequences and texts. All brand names and trade marks referred to on the internet site, and possibly protected by third parties, shall be subject without limitation to the provisions of the labelling and ownership rights of the registered owner as applicable at the time. It cannot be assumed, merely because they are mentioned, that brand names are not protected by third party rights!
6 . Choice of Law
German law shall apply with respect to these Terms of Use and to the entire legal relationship between bilderlounge and yourself.
7. Jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement is the principal office of bilderlounge media GmbH. However, bilderlounge is free to initiate legal action at its own discretion at the jurisdiction of your place of business or to apply to a court of arbitration.